Friday, September 22, 2006

Sir Guy de Sainte-Croix

Dave likes posting pics of his characters here, so I thought I'd do the same.
This is Sir Guy de Ste-Croix, a Crusader-Knight central to a Pilgrim's Progress-esque story I'm thinking about, but Catholic. Like Pilgrim's Progress, all the character names reflect their characters or their roles. Sir Guy de Ste-Croix is the hero/priest/leader character, who, like the mediaeval Crusaders, his primary job is to guide and protect people on their pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Hence his name, "Guide of the Holy Cross."

I've been considering drafting it up more as a videogame rather than simply a story, but I can't do programming. Of course, if anyone does maybe we could collaborate.

The basic idea would be that Sir Guy would journey through the labyrinthine levels, encountering and enlisting (or rescuing) pilgrims. At the end of each level, he (with them) would fight a different biblical demonic foe: Asmodeus, Legion, Apollyon, The Beasts of Revelation, and finally the Dragon himself, Satan. Through these conflicts, he must bring his charges to the Holy Land, Heaven.

So yeah, that's about as far as I've gotten with that.
Any comments?

God bless

(And Dave, I don't want to hear, "He's French, it sucks." or any such thing. His name is mainly an historical reflection of when Crusaders existed. He's Norman-English.)

What's wrong with this picture?

I haven't posted here in a while. Sorry about that. Between the youth min blog that I run over at Grace for the Wayward Heart, and the Catholic Apologetics blog that I write at Get Into the Boat, I just haven't had time for the blog I contribute to that doesn't start with G.

This past week, Pope Benedict XVI was in Germany, and during a message that he was giving, in which he condemned violence as incompatible with God's character, he cited Islam as a religion that started out by spreading its faith through violent Jihads.

Read the history books. Heck, read the Qu'ran! That's what happened!

But what happens? The Muslims get offended, and they demand that the Pope apologise! And the Pope, because he's a wonderful and humble man, does!

But they say, "That's not good enough!" And they call for him to be removed from the Papacy. They claim that his message, condemning religious violence, is trying to incite war against the Muslims.

And, how do these offended-because-they're-obviously-peaceful-Muslims respond to Pope Benedict's remarks? By blowing stuff up, and killing people.

Yeah. "Dang that Pope calling us violent! How dare he! Our religion does not tolerate violence! Why, I'm gonna go blow up that church, I'm so pissed off!"

In Somalia, a missionary nun named Sr. Leonelli used to joke that, due to her work among Somali Muslims, there would be a bullet with her name on it. As a result of the Pope's remarks, Somali Muslims attacked the mission that she was a part of, and her prophecy came true, as she was shot and killed.

Sr. Leonelli, pray for us. Pray for peace in this crazy world.

And anyone who thinks that Islam is inherently peaceful, think again!
God bless